Compliance & Tax Certificates

Compliance Certificates

The need for a Real Property Report (RPR) and Compliance Certificate generally arises when buying or selling developed property.

An RPR is a site/plot plan drawn and/or certified by an Alberta Land Surveyor. The RPR gives lot dimensions, illustrates the dwelling’s location and accessory buildings relative to the property boundaries. The RPR also shows visible encroachments onto or from the property, right-of-ways and easements as noted on the Land Title on the date of survey. The RPR is a legal document that is considered an accurate representation of your property at a specified moment in time.

A Compliance Certificate is a signed acknowledgment by the Summer Village's development officer that the principal building and accessory buildings meet or exceed the requirements of the Summer Village's Land Use Bylaw. Please note that if the RPR is older than one (1) year, a request for a Compliance Certificate must be accompanied by an Affidavit, executed within 30 days of submission for compliance and signed by the seller, that no additions, structures or changes to existing structures have occurred since the date of the survey.

Submit your request to the Development Officer.


The pdf version of the RPR from the surveyor may be e-mailed; alternatively 2 original copies of the RPR can be mailed to the Development Officer; one signed copy will be returned with the compliance certificate.

The fee for a Compliance Certificate is $100.00 (issued within ~ 10 working days).

The fee for a rushed Compliance Certificate is $200.00 (issued within 3 working days).

Tax Certificates

A tax certificate is available upon e-mailing a request to:

Please make note of the legal description (plan, lot and block).  There is a fee of $30.