International Women's Day
March 18 2023
On International Women’s Day, we celebrate the contributions, achievements and leadership of women and girls, in all their diversity, who are making the world a better place. Every day, women strengthen our homes, our workplaces, our communities, and our country. They bolster our economy as entrepreneurs, spark change as activists, create opportunities as heads of government, and inspire the next generation. This year’s theme, Every Woman Counts, reminds us that women from all ages and walks of life have a place in every aspect of life in Canada, whether it be economic, social, cultural, or political. The Summer Village of Sundance Beach is fortunate to have women like June Boyda, Shawna Denis, and Dianna Morris as our administration to meet the challenges of todays world.
On behalf of Council, I wish to thank you for the tremendous effort and dedication you take to make the Summer Village of Sundance Beach the wonderful place it is.
Brian Waterhouse
Mayor, SV of Sundance Beach