Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP)
An Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) was passed with Leduc County, and the Summer Villages of Itaska Beach and Golden Days on October 10, 2019. The IDP must now be reviewed, and a new bylaw passed adopting the new IDP.
The changes to the IDP are:
- Change the title page date to show the original date and the update date.
- Remove the Territory Acknowledgement. The consultant’s research in 2018 noted this was traditional land of the Tsuu Tina. Since then we have refined land acknowledgments in the region and this is no longer accurate. In the tracked changes, it has been removed it.
- Add “and enforcement” to section 4.3 as discussed at the steering committee meeting.
Intermunicipal Development Plan - Bylaw
First reading was passed on May 30, 2024
IDP - clean (proposed new plan)
IDP legislation section 631 of the MGA requires:
- 2 or more councils of municipalities that have common boundaries and that are not members of a growth region must, by each passing a bylaw, adopt an IDP to include those areas of land lying within the boundaries of the municipalities as they consider necessary.
- An intermunicipal development plan must address:
- the future land use within the area, the manner of and the proposals for future development in the area, the provision of transportation systems for the area, the co- ordination of intermunicipal programs relating to the physical, social and economic development of the area, environmental matters within the area, either generally or specifically, and any other matter related to the physical, social or economic development of the area that the councils consider necessary.
- An intermunicipal development plan must include:
- a procedure to be used to resolve or attempt to resolve any conflict between the municipalities that have adopted the plan, a procedure to be used, by one or more municipalities, to amend or repeal the plan, and provisions relating to the administration of the plan.
- The Summer Villages and Leduc County IDP currently states that in order to address changing economic and market trends, a major update of the IDP should occur every four years from the date of adoption of the IDP.